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Avatar siden 2006-10-01
United States - CO
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"The Growth Never Ends"

See My Albums (4)

I write like
Ursula K. Le Guin

I write Like by Mémoires, journal software. Analyze your writing!

Relationship Status: Other
Looking For: Friendship
My Sandbox
This is information about my character that I play.

Born Half-Fae, Half Human. She was forcefully turned.,
Standing 6'1, with a slim to athletic build.
Dark red hair that runs down her back, dark green streaks through it.
Light green skin. Darkened around the eyes, naturally, and lips a slightly darker green.
Moon silver eyes, that tend to have a faint red glow in the pupil.

Abilities: Earth Elemental Mage with vast training. She can tap into the depths, manipulate plantlife, encourage healing or death, connect with animals. A strong Empath with the ability to pick up unguarded thoughts and feelings, and to project them broadly or narrowly. An intense sense of smell, picking up and often interpreting the scents many give off, and few consciously respond to.

Greatest Strength: A void surrounds her mind. It is surrounded by a surface barrier, but to dig deeper is to have the possibility of receiving a mental blast.

Greatest Weakness: Being dependent upon the earth and a special brew to keep her Hunger down, too much healing will cause the Hunger to rise and her judgement to waver.

She usually carries 1-4 blades upon her person, using them with deadly skill and accuracy, especially at a distance. Some exceptions to this habit are made.

When she speaks her voice is faint, whispering around her, or a room, and easily lost in noise, unless one is listening for it.

My Recent Visitors (0)
Mine venner (36)
These, are my friends. These people have been there through hell and high water. These people have taken the time to figure out what was wrong before shooting their mouth off.

So, to my true friends. Thank you.

If you aren't on my friend's list any more, It's because I don't know you any more.

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