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this girl; wtf is she

мicнeʟʟe dias.

mm whatcha say?!

мi-sнeʟ dee-as
who is like god.

|canadian | arobic | asian | portuguese|

bonjour, yerr.
i like caanndayy ;3
im a female child woman ;_;
and a very complicated person.
most people miss understand me, im genuine and super kind so dont be shy to talk to me.
I have lots of friends here, and at home- so im not some random girl on a game begging for friends
i AM NOT and WILL NOT try to impress anyone; i am who i am and i can't change myself.
dont judge me right off the bat if you JUST met me because i dont appreciate it.
kthx. ;D

Meine Videos

hallur .. ._,"

UPDATED ol/ol/lo@4:22Pм
first of all; happy new years! sorry i haven't been on recently i've been quite busy with my studies and i'm currently working on a new avatar picture and i will be changing the layout of my profile - more than likely.. i'm getting quite tired of this one. anyways; just wanted to let you guys know.. I AM ALIVE ;) but i'm working on stuff at the moment. Take care o; latuurr.

UPDATED l0/l7/o9@7:o4 Pм

._." yes, im sick.. AGAIN; what the Moses?! Do i REALLY need to be sick NOW?.. when this darn weather hits me in my butt i get sick. *sneezes* so, Canada had our first snow fall already -woo....- not exited about that because im sick. BUT i am exited for december 12th, that's my birthday and im quite happy&pleased about that. hmm, are any of you going out for halloween or have anything planned? im staying with my family on halloween because i find one of my best moments are with them ^3^. leave a msg telling me what you're doing for halloween ;D

UPDATED 10/11/o9@4:25Pм

ohmygosh; can i just say before anything that you all are super nice for supporting me and giving me compliments on my profile and work. It truly makes my day when i read that people really like what i do. Ive worked super hard to get where i am today and with all of you complimenting me it just changes my world, if you are aiming to be something or do something you REALLY want to do PLEASE go for it and try it out because everyone can do anything. I really wanted to make this update for you guys, really and to say that i always check your messages and respond so dont be shy. Also, here in Canada on the 13th of October, its Thanks-Giving. So for all you Americans, happy early thanks giving (i remember its in November) and for all you Canadians happy thanks giving! (this goes for everyone else around the world as well). I hope you all enjoy your Turkeys if your having any and take care! ;D


I updated my profile and fixed my picture, school is busy and its hard to catch up with school when you're gone for a week. I STILL need to ask one of my friends for notes and catch up on THAT. anywho, IT IS SO FREAKIN COLD HERE. LORD HAVE MERCY!!, its like already witer D: .. my birthday's coming up December 12th ;D yauuuh. o; well, im drinking hot chocolate to warm up my day; have a fun fall everyone!

UPDATED o9/18/o9@4:47Pм

i came back from Dominican republic and went to school for 2 days and got sick ); i got a throat infection and stayed home and now i have syrup to take before each meal. yaaay ^--^, school is hard on me right now so dont get worried if i dont answer you right away, dont worry i WILL answer ;D. anyways, chaaoo.

UPDATED o9/o4/o9 @2:55 Pм

so, im going on vaycay on sunday and im coming back next sunday so that means i miss 4 days of school -_-".. great. i'm currently working on my profile and then i'll be working on my products once i get everything good and running. i still need to get the hang of everything. i wish i was just BORN knowing everything; yuh dig? right now im TIRED of people taking MY ideas! got an idea? DO IT, dont copy me. i dont copy anyone nor do i intend to so dont go off being like OH; YOU STOLE ____'s idea. i have a better life than copying others. i also dont find it fair doing that; yerr know? anyways ill be enjoying the rest of maah summer ;D .
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